The Global Primary Care Cardio Network

How do the latest guideline changes affect management of dyslipidaemia in primary care?

10' education - May 26, 2017

Dr. Frans Rutten and dr. Carlos Brotons summarise the latest updates in the ESC guidelines on dyslipidaemia, relevant for the GP, and summarise the discussion this presentation sparked among the EPCCS audience.

Video navigation menu

  • Main messages for the GP of the ESC guidelines on CVRM and dyslipidaemias 0:38
  • Low HDL level is a risk factor, but currently not a therapeutic target 4:46
  • Therapies beyond statins; what to do in case of statin intolerance? 5:27
  • Discussion on treating elderly patients 7:03
  • What to do if patients experience statin-associated side-effects? 7:40

The information and data provided in this program were updated and correct at the time of the program development, but may be subject to change.

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