The Global Primary Care Cardio Network

Primary Cardiovascular Care in Slovakia (English)

EPCCS Council

5' education - Dec. 5, 2018 - EPCCS Council Berlin - Michaela Macháčová, MD

EPCCS Council member Michaela Macháčová, MD provides a brief overview of the current organisation of primary care in Slovakia

Educational information

This video is an initiative of the new EPCCS Council. The EPCCS Council was established to create a platform of General Practitioners with an interest in cardiovascular disease active within their country primary care societies and connect between the EPCCS board and individual country members.

The EPCCS aims to improve the care and outcome of patients with cardiovascular disease. This will be achieved by providing exchange of knowledge, practical guidance and the promotion amongst primary care clinical practitioners of research, education and developments relating to cardiovascular and metabolic disease in general, and community cardiovascular medicine in particular.

EPCCS is a special interest group of WONCA


Michaela Macháčová, MD is general practitioner, Vice-president of The Slovak Society of General Practice, President of The 24th WONCA EUROPE CONFERENCE, and a PhD student and teacher at the Medical Faculty of Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia.

Visit the Slovak country section More about EPCCS

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The information and data provided in this program were updated and correct at the time of the program development, but may be subject to change.

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