The Global Primary Care Cardio Network
The Focus of GPcardio: cardiovascular, cardiorenal & cardiometabolic disease

The Focus of GPcardio: cardiovascular, cardiorenal & cardiometabolic disease

Updating and developing our Primary Care Practice Guidance

June 3, 2024

GPcardio is planning to update the EPCCS Practice Guidance documents to the broader spectrum of cardiovascular and related diseases by translating specialist guidelines to relevance for primary care

In a recent publication, the AHA (American Hear Association stated that Cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic health reflects the interplay among metabolic risk factors, chronic kidney disease, and the cardiovascular system and has profound impacts on morbidity and mortality. There are multisystem consequences of poor cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic health, with the most significant clinical impact being the high associated incidence of cardiovascular disease events and cardiovascular mortality. There is a high prevalence of poor cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic health in the population, with a disproportionate burden seen among those with adverse social determinants of health. However, there is also a growing number of therapeutic options that favorably affect metabolic risk factors, kidney function, or both that also have cardioprotective effects//.

GPcardio is committed to provide primary care professional support and help them to get easy access to the relevant information from different specialist guidelines that are relevant for primary care

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