The Global Primary Care Cardio Network

EPCCS Practice Guidance

EPCCS has developed several practical guidance documents on important clinical issues for primary care. We will continue to develop more such documents to help you optimise care. You can also find translations in several languages (search for the English name of a language, e.g. Russian or Serbian).

Dijagnostikovanje i lečenje hipertenzije u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti

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EPCCS Guidance translations

Download the Serbian version of the EPCCS Practical Guidance on Hypertension Management

Diagnosis and management of hypertension in primary care

Scroll down to download a free copy

Download - EPCCS Consensus Guidance for Primary Care
EPCCS Consensus Guidance for Primary Care

Download the EPCCS Practical Guidance Document, which provides a brief scientific background on the need for and practical guidance on management of hypertension, including when to start treatment and which blood pressure target should be used for a given patient. The document focusses on challenges faced in clinical reality.

Current management of diabetes and cardiovascular risk in primary care

Scroll down to download a free copy

Download - EPCCS Consensus Guidance for Primary Care
EPCCS Consensus Guidance for Primary Care

Download the EPCCS Practical Guidance Document, which provides a brief scientific background on the need for and practical guidance on management of hyperglycaemia and the increased CV risk in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Slides | Take home messages of EPCCS Guidance on 'Managing elevated lipids in primary care'

EPCCS Guidance

Download - Dec. 18, 2018
Slides with take home messages of our EPCCS Practical Guidance Document, which provides practical guidance on management of persons with dyslipidaemia in primary care, with a focus on challenges faced in clinical reality.

Slides with take home messages of our EPCCS Practical Guidance Document, which provides practical guidance on management of persons with dyslipidaemia in primary care, with a focus on challenges faced in clinical reality.

Шляхи стимулювання модифікації способу життя з метою зменшення серцево-судинного ризику на первинній ланці медичної допомоги

Download - EPCCS Guidance translations
EPCCS Guidance translations

Download the Ukrainian version of the EPCCS Practical Guidance on Stimulating health behaviour changes to reduce CV risk in primary care

Lečenje povišenih lipida u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti (PZZ)

Download - EPCCS Guidance translations
EPCCS Guidance translations

Download the Serbian version of the EPCCS Practical Guidance on Managing elevated lipids in primary care

Managementul dislipidemiei în asistența medicală primară

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EPCCS Guidance translations

Download the Romanian version of the EPCCS Practical Guidance on Managing elevated lipids in primary care

Stimulacija promene životnog stila u cilju smanjenja kardiovaskularnog rizika u PZZ

Download - EPCCS Guidance translations
EPCCS Guidance translations

Download the Serbian version of the EPCCS Practical Guidance on Stimulating health behaviour changes to reduce CV risk in primary care

Praktičan vodič za dijagnostikovanje i lečenje srčane insuficijencije u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti (PZZ)

Download - EPCCS Guidance translations
EPCCS Guidance translations

Download the Serbian version of the EPCCS Practical Guidance on Heart Failure Diagnosis and Management in Primary Care.

Managing elevated lipids in primary care

Scroll down to download a free copy

Download - EPCCS Consensus Guidance for Primary Care
EPCCS Consensus Guidance for Primary Care

Download the EPCCS Practical Guidance Document, which provides a brief scientific background on the need for lipid lowering in individuals at high CV risk, and practical guidance on management of persons with dyslipidaemia in primary care, with a focus on challenges faced in clinical reality.

Stimularea schimbărilor de comportament în domeniul sănătății pentru a reduce riscul cardiovascular în asistența medicală primară

Download - EPCCS Guidance translations
EPCCS Guidance translations

Download the Romanian version of the EPCCS Guidance for Primary Care on stimulating health behaviour change.

Погоджена настанова EPCCS щодо профілактики інсульту при фібриляції передсердь в системі надання первинної медичної допомоги

Download - EPCCS Guidance translations
EPCCS Guidance translations

Download the Ukrainian version of the EPCCS SPAF Consensus Guidance for Primary Care.

EPCCS Practice Guidance