The Global Primary Care Cardio Network

Primary Care & CVD

An overview of recent literature on the important role of primary care in prevention and management of cardiovascular disease (CVD)

Primary care-based dietary and lifestyle intervention leads to remission of T2DM

Literature - Dec. 11, 2017 - Lean MEJ et al., The Lancet 2017

The randomised DIRECT trial evaluated a practical weight management program. On average, weigh reduced by 10 kg and almost half achieved and maintained remission of T2DM at 12 months after starting the intervention.

EPCCS Practical Guidance on Heart Failure Diagnosis and Management in Primary Care

News - Sep. 28, 2016

Based on the Heart Failure session and discussion during the 8th EPCCS Annual Meeting in Prague, this guidance document was written to help physicians diagnose and manage heart failure in their primary care practice.

Main messages for primary care from the 2016 ESC Guidelines for Cardiovascular Prevention

News - Dec. 8, 2017

A summary of the main messages for primary care from the guidelines for Cardiovascular Prevention in clinical practice, released in 2016 by the Sixth Joint Task Force (ESC and other societies).

What do the 2016 ESC guidelines on atrial fibrillation say and what are the implications for primary care?

News - Apr. 19, 2017

EPCCS 2017 Impression of the lecture at the EPCCS CV Summit, given by dr. Geert-Jan Geersing (Utrecht, The Netherlands).

What do the 2016 ESC Guidelines on cardiovascular risk and elevated lipids say and what are the implications for primary care?

News - Mar. 2, 2017

EPCCS 2017 Impression of the lecture at the EPCCS CV Summit, given by dr Carlos Brotons (Barcelona, Spain).

EPCCS consensus guidance on stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation (SPAF) in primary care

News - Feb. 17, 2015

General practitioners representing various European countries discussed recent developments in the SPAF field, and specific implications for primary care in an expert meeting. This meeting resulted in a practical guidance for European GPs.

HF diagnosis often unjustified in primary care

Literature - June 20, 2016 - Valk MJ et al., BJGP 2016

An expert panel that retrospectively identified HF patients according to ESC guidelines could not confirm one-third of the cases that were HF-diagnosed by the general practitioner.